Our Impact
"Sea Sense have been invaluable in their support. We have been able to achieve more than we ever dreamed. We have collected many plastics, developed partnerships with local schools, where we are providing learning materials and we are now even building our own plastic recycling centre!" - Mohamad, Medmans Foundation
Around one garbage truck of plastic ends up in our oceans, every minute. This number is increasing every month. 80% of the world's ocean plastic pollution is due to poor waste management in developing countries. There is little incentive for change. This is where where we focus our efforts.
Ocean bound plastic bottles collected so far
Each 10g of plastic collected is the average weight of, and equivalent to, one 500ml plastic water bottle.
Accurate as of December 03 2023. Figure updated monthly.
Please zoom in and explore the map, we have several collection points in each country we work in. Click on the bottle symbols for more details.
Our 5% Promise to Our Partners
At Sea Sense, our mission is to combat plastic pollution around the world. To fulfill this commitment, we pledge to donate a significant portion of our earnings to support vital projects. A young, fast-growing company like ours often has high expenses because we are investing in growing our business, which means we don't always make a profit. As it's difficult to predict what our profits will be each year, we made the decision not calculate our donation based on profits alone. Instead, we base it on our total sales, which is the money we make before deducting any expenses.
This approach ensures a reliable and generous annual donation, even as we invest heavily in our business's growth. In fact, giving 5% of our total sales often exceeds 30% of profits. It's our way of giving back, no matter how much we invest in our business.
Empower is building a global plastic waste ecosystem based on the same philosophy as the Norwegian bottle deposit system. By giving plastic waste a value, Empower stop leakage of plastic into the environment and cost-efficiently incentivise the collection of leaked waste. By tracking it and making digital inventories they also ensure that most of it is reused and recycled.
This is done by setting up collection points around the world, together with partners who then issue financial rewards in return for the deposit of plastic. This provides an opportunity for people to pull themselves out of poverty and support their families and community. Empower also provide digital tools to increase transparency, market access and low-cost operations.
All the plastic is registered digitally when deposited, allowing it to be traced through the value chain. This creates transparency and traceability. It also allows them to map waste flows and to ensure that the plastic ends up where it has the highest value and the lowest cost to society.
See our plastic collection certificates from Empower here:
Medmans Foundation
Medmans Foundation is a Sierra Leonean based nonprofit youth organisation that works with young people in coastal areas around Freetown. They are working to reduce ocean plastics, as well as giving support to schools and orphanages in some parts of Sierra Leone.
We are funding Medmans Foundation's beach clean activities and most recently we have been working to fund a brand new plastics sorting centre as we begin the task of monetising plastic, making it a valuable resource that people will want to collect and exchange it for an income.

Sungai Watch
For the past 10 years, Make a Change World have grown their operations to become a full-time media outlet and environmental organization. Make A Change videos have garnered over 600 million views across social media and their projects have included running across the US with up-cycled plastic shoes to traveling down the world’s most polluted river on plastic-bottle-kayaks, which inspired Indonesia’s biggest mass clean up.
In all of their travels, they have seen the detrimental effects plastic is having on communities and the environment. Therefore they launched Sungai Watch, a river cleanup program to stop plastic in rivers before it enters the ocean. They have a team working on developing affordable and replicable solutions and deploying them in waterways, where trash can still be intercepted. They believe that the best solutions need to be as affordable and as localized as possible for them to be massively scalable.
Ocean Sole
Ocean Sole is a social enterprise, that up-cycle flip flops found along the beaches and waterways in Kenya into beautiful pieces of art.Ocean Sole provides a steady income to nearly 100 low-income Kenyan families, help facilitate payments for educating their children, and recycle over a million flip flops each year, preventing them from polluting our One Ocean. We are proud to help support their incredible work!
Gili Eco Trust
Gili Eco Trust, or Yayasan Ekosistem Gili Indah, is an NGO based on Gili Trawangan, Indonesia. It was founded in 2002 to protect coral reefs around the Gili islands from destructive fishing.
The Gili Eco Trust has grown and expanded its activities from marine conservation to waste management and sustainable eco-tourism. In 2004, Gili Eco Trust started the Biorock project; the creation of artificial reefs and restoring the natural habitat of thousands of fish in previously destroyed and overfished areas of the reef.